Monday, March 09, 2009

Fantastic Food Fun (and Blogs too)

Everyone's gotta eat! Don't hit the kitchen to make today's meals without checking out today's list of scrumptious food blogs. Our food cravings have gone all over the place while researching today's post. Each of today's highlighted sites brings a different perspective to the food arena. We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed putting it together.

Today's 10 Links a Day: Dig in! Food Blogs

  1. The Food Section

  2. Proof Pudding
    Proof Pudding is the ultimate blog about food and proof. We’ve all heard of food before, so what’s the proof all about? Proof is goodness and rightness. When you are right about something, you have ‘proved it.’ When you are right and also triumphant, you have ultimate proof. The next time you hear someone make a dubious claim (i.e. “My local pizzeria has the best slice in my town or city”), demand that they prove it."

  3. Cooks' Den (and Hammy the Hamster)
    Check out the hamster that takes the "Organic Challenge"



  6. The Wednesday Chef

  7. Delicious Days

  8. Chez Pim

  9. Serious Eats

  10. Smitten Kitchen

1 comment:

ken said...

Thanks for linking to CooksDen. Would you mind updating your link to its new home at

Hammy can now be found at:


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